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Version: 2.0.11


1. Installation

npm install @gardenfi/core @gardenfi/utils

Additional dependencies

npm install viem @catalogfi/wallets

2. Set up wallets and providers

import { SecretManager } from '@gardenfi/core';
import {
} from '@catalogfi/wallets';
import { privateKeyToAccount, createWalletClient, http, sepolia } from 'viem';

// Ethereum wallet setup
const account = privateKeyToAccount(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY);

const ethereumWalletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: sepolia,
transport: http(),

// initialize secret manager for handling atomic swap secrets and hashes
const result = await SecretManager.fromWalletClient(ethereumWalletClient);

if (result.error) {
throw new Error(result.error);

const secretManager = result.val;

// create an in-memory Bitcoin wallet for handling Bitcoin operations
const btcWallet = BitcoinWallet.fromPrivateKey(

const bitcoinProvider = new BitcoinProvider(

3. Configure Garden core

Initialize the Garden instance.

import { Garden } from '@gardenfi/core';

const garden = new Garden({
environment: Environment.TESTNET,
evmWallet: ethereumWalletClient,

4. Create a swap

import { Quote, SupportedAssets, Asset, SwapParams } from "@gardenfi/core";

// Try printing out the SupportedAssets object to see the other assets you can use
const orderConfig = {
sendAmount: '1000000', // 0.01 Bitcoin

// helper function to create the order pair
const constructOrderpair =
(fromAsset: Asset, toAsset: Asset) =>

const orderPair = constructOrderpair(

const QUOTE_API =
const quote = new Quote(QUOTE_API);

// Get the quote for the send amount and order pair
const quoteResult = await quote.getQuote(orderPair, +orderConfig.sendAmount);
if (quoteResult.error) {
throw new Error(quoteResult.error);

// choose a quote
const firstQuote = Object.entries(quoteResult.val.quotes)[0];

const [_strategyId, quoteAmount] = firstQuote;

let swapParams: SwapParams = {
receiveAmount: quoteAmount,
additionalData: {
strategyId: _strategyId,
// this is where the btc will be sent to
btcAddress: await btcWallet.getAddress(),

// This creates the order on chain and then returns the matched order
const swapResult = await garden.swap(swapParams);

if (swapResult.error) {
throw new Error(swapResult.error);

console.log('Order created with id', swapResult.val.create_order.create_id);

5. Initiate the swap

import { EvmRelay } from '@gardenfi/core';

// Use the EVM relay service for gasless initiates
// The relay handles transaction execution on behalf of the user.

const evmRelay = new EvmRelay(swapResult.val, orderBookApi, auth);

// Initiate the swap.
// Note: The first swap requires ETH for token approval.
// Subsequent swaps will be gasless.
// Common error: "transfer amount exceeds balance,"
// indicating insufficient token balance in your wallet.
// Important: If swapping from Bitcoin to WBTC,
// ensure funds are deposited into the `order.source_swap_id`.

const initRes = await evmRelay.init(ethereumWalletClient);
if (initRes.error) {
console.log(`Error encountered for account:
throw new Error(initRes.error);

6. Settle the swap

// Automatically manages the execution of redeems or refunds.
// Regularly polls the orderbook to track the status of orders
// and triggers appropriate actions (redeem or refund) based on their state.

await garden.execute();

// Subscribe to Garden events to track transaction statuses
garden.on('error', (order, error) => {
`Error occurred for order ID: ${order.create_order.create_id}, Details:`,

garden.on('success', (order, action, txHash) => {
console.log(`${order} ${action} ${txHash}`);

// Important note about Bitcoin redeems:
// Until the Bitcoin transaction is mined and visible at the above URL,
// it is highly recommended to keep the Garden instance running.
// Garden will automatically resubmit the redeem transaction if required,
// handling scenarios like dropped transactions or network issues.
// If the instance is stopped, restarting it will ensure Garden checks the
// status of the order and resubmits the redeem if necessary.

// Wait for the swap to complete. Use Ctrl+C to stop the script when done.
// This ensures the script continues running to monitor the swap's progress.


await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10000000000));