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Version: 2.0.11

Get order

Tracking the status of swaps is crucial for providing users with real-time updates about their transactions. The SDK provides tools to monitor and fetch details of orders efficiently.

You can fetch the transaction history and statuses directly using the orderBook instance.

matched: T,
pending: boolean,
paginationOptions: {
page: number;
per_page: number;
) => {
data: T[];
page: number;
total_pages: number;
total_items: number;
  • matched: Determines the type of orders to fetch.

    • true: Fetch matched orders.
    • false: Fetch unmatched orders.
  • pending: Filters orders based on their current status.

    • true: Fetch orders that are still pending.
    • false: Fetch orders that are finalized or completed.
  • paginationOptions: Configures pagination for the results.

    • per_page: The number of transactions to fetch per page.
    • page: The specific page number to retrieve.


import { OrdersProvider } from '@gardenfi/orderbook';

const ORDERBOOK_API = "";
const orderbookProvider = new OrdersProvider(ORDERBOOK_API);

const fetchOrders = async () => {
try {
const res = await orderbookProvider.fetchOrders(true, false, { per_page: 10 });
console.log("Fetched Orders:", res);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching orders:", error);
