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Demo CLI


This guide is provided as an example to help you get accustomed to using the Garden SDK. It is not intended to serve as a standard for creating CLI tools with the Garden SDK. A proper tool will take into consideration many best practices and optimizations. In the example below, we have cut a lot of corners for simplicity. Full code is available here gardenfi/demo-cli.


This guide will walk you through building your own command-line interface (CLI) to manage your crypto assets using the Garden SDK, by the end of this guide you should be able to

  • Create wallets (both Bitcoin and EVM)
  • Swap WBTC and BTC (or vice versa) all using the CLI.


You should have Bun, but you can use Nodejs too.

# Linux and macOS
curl -fsSL | bash

# Windows
powershell -c "irm | iex"

Setting up your environment

mkdir demo-cli
cd demo-cli
bun init -y

File Structure

  • Create a src folder
  • Move index.ts to src
  • Create command.ts , errors.ts , types.ts , utility.ts in src

Registering the CLI

  • Defining the CLI's entry point

In your package.json file, add the following

"bin": {
"swapper": "./src/index.ts"

This entry specifies that when you run the swapper command, the src / index.ts file should be executed.

  • Configuring the CLI's entry File Add #!/usr/bin/env bun to index.ts, after which your index.ts file should look something like this:
#! /usr/bin/env bun

console.log("Hello via Bun!");
  • Bun link
bun link
bun link < mentioned in the output of bun link >

Installing Packages

# Installs Garden SDK
bun add @catalogfi/wallets @gardenfi/orderbook @gardenfi/core

# Installs Yargs an npm package used for building cli tools
bun add yargs

# Intalling the types for Yargs
bun add -D @types/yargs

# Installs ethers 6.8.0 as other versions may not be compatible with the SDK
bun add [email protected]

Basic Setup

  • Initiating yargs Yargs in an npm package widely used for building CLI's with nodejs.
// File: src/command.ts

import yargs from 'yargs';
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';

import { type Argv } from './types.ts';

const ivar = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)).argv as Argv;
let ccreator = yargs(hideBin(process.argv));

export { ivar, ccreator };
// File : src/types.ts
export type Argv = {
privatekey?: string;
amount?: number;
// File: src/index.ts

#! /usr/bin/env bun
import { ivar, ccreator } from "./command.ts";


ivar stands for input variables and ccreator stands for command creator.

basic setup

Creating Wallets

  • Creating an EVM wallet
// File: src/index.ts

#! /usr/bin/env bun

import { EVMWallet } from "@catalogfi/wallets";
import { JsonRpcProvider, Wallet } from "ethers";

import { ivar, ccreator } from "./command.ts";
import { logAddressAndBalance } from "./utility.ts";
import { KeyError } from "./errors.ts";

// Constants
const API_KEY = "<API_KEY>";

// Command Definitions
ccreator.command("createevmwallet", "creates an evm wallet", async () => {
const { privatekey: privateKey } = ivar;

if (!privateKey) throw new KeyError();

const wallet = new Wallet(privateKey, ETHEREUM_PROVIDER);
const evmWallet = new EVMWallet(wallet);

const address = await evmWallet.getAddress();
const balance = await evmWallet.getProvider().getBalance(address);

logAddressAndBalance(address, balance);

ccreator.parse(); // Will always come at the end of `src/index.ts` file

// File: src/utility.ts

function logAddressAndBalance(address: string, balance: number | bigint) {"Fetching Address and Balance...");`Address : ${address}`);`Balance : ${balance}`);

export { logAddressAndBalance };
// File: src/errors.ts

class KeyError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'Private key is undefined') {
super(message); = 'KeyError';

export { KeyError };

create wallet

  • Creating a bitcoin wallet
// File: src/index.ts

#! /usr/bin/env bun

import {
} from "@catalogfi/wallets";
import { JsonRpcProvider, Wallet } from "ethers";

import { ivar, ccreator } from "./command.ts";
import { logAddressAndBalance } from "./utility.ts";
import { KeyError } from "./errors.ts";

/* Previous Constants */

const BITCOIN_PROVIDER = new BitcoinProvider(BitcoinNetwork.Testnet);

/* createevmwallet ccreator */

"creates a bitcoin wallet",
async () => {
const { privatekey: privateKey } = ivar;

if (!privateKey) throw new KeyError();

const bitcoinWallet = BitcoinWallet.fromWIF(privateKey, BITCOIN_PROVIDER);
const address = await bitcoinWallet.getAddress();
const balance = await bitcoinWallet.getBalance();

logAddressAndBalance(address, balance);


create bitcoin wallet

Ta-da! 🎉 You've successfully created both an EVM wallet and a Bitcoin wallet.

Creating a .config file

As we move on we will need to reuse the privatekeys a bunch of times, so it's better if we save them in a .config file somewhere, but we are not going to do it manually of-course, so let's write some more code.

  • Read ( or Create ) .swapper_config.json
// File: src/index.ts

#! /usr/bin/env bun

/* Previous Imports */

import { readJsonFileSync } from "./utility.ts";
import { join } from "path";
import { homedir } from "os";

/* Previous Constants */

const DOT_CONFIG_PATH = join(homedir(), ".swapper_config.json");

// Read config
let dotConfig = readJsonFileSync(DOT_CONFIG_PATH);

// File: src/types.ts

export type DotConfig = {
evmPrivateKey?: string;
bitcoinPrivateKey?: string;

export type Argv = {
privatekey?: string,
amount?: number
// File: src/utility.ts

import { writeFileSync, existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { type DotConfig } from './types.ts';

function createDotConfig(dotConfigPath: string) {
if (existsSync(dotConfigPath)) return;
writeFileSync(dotConfigPath, JSON.stringify({}));`${dotConfigPath} created!`);

function readJsonFileSync(dotConfigPath: string): DotConfig {
const fileContent = readFileSync(dotConfigPath, 'utf-8');
return JSON.parse(fileContent);

/* logAddressAndBalance fn */

export { logAddressAndBalance, readJsonFileSync };

Above code will read the .swapper_config.json file present in your home directory ( if it doesn't exist it will create it! )

  • Saving private keys in .swapper_config.json
// File: src/index.ts

/* Previous Imports */

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';

/* Constants */

ccreator.command('createevmwallet', 'creates a evm wallet', async () => {
/* Creating an EVM Wallet */

dotConfig.evmPrivateKey = privateKey;
writeFileSync(DOT_CONFIG_PATH, JSON.stringify(dotConfig));`Saved to ${DOT_CONFIG_PATH}`);

'creates a bitcoin wallet',
async () => {
/* Creating a Bitcoin Wallet */

dotConfig.bitcoinPrivateKey = privateKey;
writeFileSync(DOT_CONFIG_PATH, JSON.stringify(dotConfig));`Saved to ${DOT_CONFIG_PATH}`);

that's it! now whenever someone creates a wallet with their private keys, it will be stored in .swapper_config.json

  • Create getdetails
// File: src/index.ts

'gets the contents of $HOME/.swapper_config.json',
() => {;

ccreator.parse(); // <-- Don't forget that this should be at the end of `src/index.ts` file


Performing the swap

  • Create swapwbtctobtc
// File: src/index.ts

/* Previous Imports */

import { sleep } from 'bun';
import {
type Asset,
type Order,
} from '@gardenfi/orderbook';

import {
} from './utility.ts';
import { Assets, parseStatus, Actions } from '@gardenfi/orderbook';
import { KeyError, AmountError, WalletError } from './errors.ts';

async function swap(fromAsset: Asset, toAsset: Asset, amount: number) {
const { bitcoinPrivateKey, evmPrivateKey } = dotConfig;
if (!bitcoinPrivateKey || !evmPrivateKey) throw new WalletError();

const evmWallet = getEVMWallet(evmPrivateKey, ETHEREUM_PROVIDER);
const bitcoinWallet = getBitcoinWallet(bitcoinPrivateKey, BITCOIN_PROVIDER);
const garden = await getGarden(evmPrivateKey, evmWallet, bitcoinWallet);

const sendAmount = amount * 1e8;
const receiveAmount = (1 - 0.3 / 100) * sendAmount;

const orderId = await garden.swap(

let order: Order | null = null;

garden.subscribeOrders(await evmWallet.getAddress(), (orders) => {
order = orders.filter((order) => order.ID === orderId)[0];
while (true) {
await sleep(500); // Time for `subscribeOrders` to update the state of orders
if (!order) continue;
const action = parseStatus(order);
if (
action === Actions.UserCanInitiate ||
action === Actions.UserCanRedeem
) {
const swapper = garden.getSwap(order);
const performedAction = await;
`Completed Action ${performedAction.action} with transaction hash: ${performedAction.output}``Completed Action ${performedAction.action} with transaction hash: ${performedAction.output}`

if (action === Actions.UserCanRedeem) {

ccreator.command('swapwbtctobtc', 'Swaps from WBTC to BTC', async () => {
const { amount } = ivar;
if (!amount) throw new AmountError();
await swap(Assets.ethereum_sepolia.WBTC, Assets.bitcoin_testnet.BTC, amount);
// File: src/utility.ts

/* Previous Imports */

import { BitcoinWallet, BitcoinProvider, EVMWallet } from '@catalogfi/wallets';
import { JsonRpcProvider, Wallet } from 'ethers';
import { Orderbook, Chains } from '@gardenfi/orderbook';
import { GardenJS } from '@gardenfi/core';

function getEVMWallet(
evmPrivateKey: string,
ethereumProvider: JsonRpcProvider
) {
const wallet = new Wallet(evmPrivateKey, ethereumProvider);
return new EVMWallet(wallet);

function getBitcoinWallet(
bitcoinPrivateKey: string,
bitcoinProvider: BitcoinProvider
) {
return BitcoinWallet.fromWIF(bitcoinPrivateKey, bitcoinProvider);

async function getGarden(
evmPrivateKey: string,
evmWallet: EVMWallet,
bitcoinWallet: BitcoinWallet
) {
const orderbook = await Orderbook.init({
url: '',
signer: new Wallet(evmPrivateKey, evmWallet.getProvider()),

const wallets = {
[Chains.bitcoin_testnet]: bitcoinWallet,
[Chains.ethereum_sepolia]: evmWallet,

return new GardenJS(orderbook, wallets);

/* logAddressAndBalance fn */
export {
// File: src/errors.ts

/* KeyError class */

class WalletError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'Wallets have not been initialised') {
super(message); = 'WalletError';

class AmountError extends Error {
constructor(message = 'Amount is not specified') {
super(message); = 'AmountError';

export { KeyError, WalletError, AmountError };

The above code snippet does the following in order

  • Fetches your EvmWallet
  • Creates a GardenJS instance called garden by feeding it orderbook & wallets
  • Performs the swap using garden.swap
  • Uses the subscribeOrders method to listen to order states. To get a more detailed overview of what is happening checkout Swapping from BTC to WBTC


  • Create swapbtctowbtc
ccreator.command('swapbtctowbtc', 'Swaps from BTC to WBTC', async () => {
const { amount } = ivar;
if (!amount) throw new AmountError();
await swap(Assets.bitcoin_testnet.BTC, Assets.ethereum_sepolia.WBTC, amount);



Ta-da! 🎉 Now you have both WBTC to BTC & BTC to WBTC swaps working.

Creating a better CLI tool

Above we cut a lot of corners like :

  • Directly storing private keys without encryption : Users don't generally like sharing there private keys even if it's stored locally, so a better way of creating wallets could be using the seed phrase instead of directly asking for private keys, and even then they should be encrypted using libraries like crypto.
  • Not having password protection when initiating a transaction : When initiating any form of transaction users expect there to be a pop-up asking for their password, not having such makes it uncanny since it's not following the normal flow of things.
  • Help flag : Every good CLI has a --help flag, to detail the available commands and their usage.
  • Autocomplete : CLI users have a habit of pressing TAB after every word to trigger autocomplete, so adding it would greatly enhance the usability and functionality of your CLI tool.