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How to swap WBTC to WBTC

  1. Go to and click on the Swap tab, then click the “Connect” button in the top right corner. step 1

  2. Click on MetaMask and confirm the account you want to use to perform the swap. step 2

  3. Read the sign-in message and confirm. step 3

  4. Select the desired chain for sending WBTC step 4

  5. Select the desired chain for receiving WBTC step 5

  6. Enter the amount of WBTC you want to swap and Click “Initiate” step 6

  7. Click “Sign” on the order initiation request  step 7

  8. Click on “Deposit WBTC” in transactions tab and confirm step 8

  9. Wait for order Fillers to accept your order, which is an on-chain confirmation. Then Claim your WBTC.

  10. Click “Claim WBTC” and confirm ”Switch Network,” which changes the wallet chain to the receiving chain. step 9 step 10

  11. Click on "Claim WBTC" on the desitnation chain and confirm in the wallet modal. step 11

Congratulations! Your swap is done; you can check your order details by clicking on “Order ID”.