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Creating Wallets

To swap from BTC to WBTC or vice versa, you need a wallet to send and receive assets. The @catalogfi/wallets package provides different types of wallets for Bitcoin and EVM. With a Bitcoin wallet and an EVM wallet, you can easily make swaps between the two cross-chain assets.


Browser compatibility

Garden SDK requires wasm support and polyfills in the browser environment. Use the setup from the core package to add support for wasm and polyfills.

To install @catalogfi/wallets run:

npm install @catalogfi/wallets

Creating a Bitcoin Wallet

To create a Bitcoin wallet, you need a private key and a BitcoinProvider. A Bitcoin provider is simply a helper class communicating with the blockchain.

import {
} from "@catalogfi/wallets";

const provider = new BitcoinProvider(BitcoinNetwork.Mainnet);

// Option 1: Create a bitcoin wallet from a private key
const bitcoinPk = 'YOUR BITCOIN PRIVATE KEY';
const bitcoinWallet = BitcoinWallet.fromPrivateKey(bitcoinPk, bitcoinProvider);

// Option 2: Create a bitcoin wallet from a WIF key
const wif = 'YOUR WIF KEY'
const bitcoinWallet = BitcoinWallet.fromWIF(wif, bitcoinProvider);

By default, the wallet uses p2wpkh (Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash) to derive addresses. If you want to use a different address type, you can pass it as the third argument in the opts object.

If you don't have access to private keys, you can use Bitcoin OTAs to create one-time Bitcoin accounts. To generate an OTA, you need a signer from your Web3 provider.

import {
} from "@catalogfi/wallets";
import { JsonRpcSigner, BrowserProvider } from "ethers";

const provider = new BitcoinProvider(BitcoinNetwork.Mainnet);
const signer = await new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum).getSigner();

const ota = new BitcoinOTA(provider, signer);

Creating an EVM Wallet

To create an EVM wallet, you can either pass a Wallet implementation from ethers.js or a JsonRpcSigner from your Web3 provider.


@catalogfi/wallets uses ethers version 6.8.0. Make sure to use the same version in your project.

The process is similar to creating a Bitcoin wallet. You don't need anything other than the private key and the provider.

import { EVMWallet } from "@catalogfi/wallets";
import { JsonRpcProvider, Wallet } from "ethers";

const provider = new JsonRpcProvider("");
const privateKey = "YOUR PRIVATE KEY";
const wallet = new Wallet(privateKey, provider);

const evmWallet = new EVMWallet(wallet);

If you don't have access to a private key, you can use the JsonRpcSigner from your Web3 provider.

import { EVMWallet } from "@catalogfi/wallets";
import { JsonRpcSigner, BrowserProvider } from "ethers";

const signer = await new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum).getSigner();
const evmWallet = new EVMWallet(signer);