Visit the Garden application then click the “Connect” button in the top right corner.
Click on MetaMask and confirm the account you want to use to perform the swap.
Read the sign-in message and confirm.
Select the desired chain for sending WBTC
Select the desired chain for receiving WBTC
Enter the amount of WBTC you want to swap and Click “Initiate”
Click “Sign” on the order initiation request
Click on “Deposit WBTC” in transactions tab and confirm
Wait for order Fillers to accept your order, which is an on-chain confirmation. Then Claim your WBTC.
Click “Claim WBTC” and confirm ”Switch Network,” which changes the wallet chain to the receiving chain.
Click on "Claim WBTC" on the desitnation chain and confirm in the wallet modal.
Congratulations! Your swap is done; you can check your order details by clicking on “Order ID”.